
Character Education

"The aim of our studies is not just to know what virtue is, but to become good.” Aristotle"
Character Education focuses on teaching children and adults in a way that helps them develop into healthy, happy, moral, civic and successful individuals.  At Stogursey Church of England Primary School, we strongly
focus on character development throughout our curriculum and extracurricular activities.
Our goal is to help every pupil develop:
●A strong sense of self
●Positive relationships with others
●An understanding of their place in our school community and the wider world.
We believe that a challenging academic education can coexist with opportunities to encourage personal growth in everyday school life  We aim to create a sense of pride, belonging and identity where every pupil feels happy, safe and fulfilled during their time with us.
Our Values - The Stogursey Standards
Through thoughtful discussion and consideration, we have chosen six core values that encourage, nurture, and celebrate behaviours, habits, and mindsets that will help our pupils grow into well-rounded young adults.  We believe these values, which we call "The Stogursey Standards," are essential for success in adult life.
We believe that these 6 values are most important to us. Throughout what we do in school and in Collective Worship, we explore many values, including fundamental British Values but these are the ones that adults and children alike and visitors to our school are expected to uphold and exemplify. Integrated into what we do and in our Collective Worship, we teach British Values. The ones we focus on regularly are below.
By focusing on these behaviours and encouraging pupils to recognise when they are consciously or unconsciously demonstrating them, we believe the experience of being at Stogursey will ensure that pupils will grow and develop their ‘good character’ and become well-rounded young adults ready to take their place in the world.