
Welcome to Beacon Class

---NEW CONTENT ADDED 29th September 2020---

We are still working on our Remote Learning Solution.  Here is what to do if your child has to go into self-isolation. 

Beacon Class Home Learning

During the school closure, details of how your child can continue their learning at home will be regularly posted onto Beacon Class page. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact the school via email: stogurseyschool@educ.somerset.gov.uk or telephone: 01278 732389.
Hours of Study Each Day
Although there are no set times for when this work is to be completed, it is expected that your child does a minimum of 3 hours study each day whilst at home.  If you are self-isolating for the full 10 days then work packs will be collected at 3.30pm each Friday and teachers will be looking at the quality of work produced and whether it equates to 3 hours per day.  Otherwise, please bring all work back upon your return to school.  This is important so we can show that education has continued uninterrupted.  Also, it is important that your children keep up with the rest of the class so doing the same work as their classmates is a key thing!
What to do in each hour is set out next.

Hour 1- English
In your work pack, you will receive scripts and activities for Expressive Writing.  This is our catch-up programme.  Your role as a parent is to read the bits in blue.  Get your child to complete tasks as set out in the script and mark the work, giving them time to 'fix up' any errors as you go.  This should take about 45 minutes.  The rest of the time can be spent reading.
Hour 2- Maths
We follow White Rose Maths.   Watch the video as many times as you need for it to make sense.  Please ensure you mark the work together and 'fix up' any errors.  The session should take about 45 minutes and so they can do TT Rockstars and 2 times tables quizzes.  Again, please mark these.
Class Codes:
Year 6: UFDJUR
Year 5: FKSOO9
Year 4: UBLZMO
Year 3: 9SCXQE
Year 2: ZH4CE9
Year 1: QVOWJV